Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The World through Publishing

Image from the International Publishers Association

As I continue to avoid reading (last night, I watched Bridesmaids), I have to find other book-related things to read. Since I refuse to post about how Lena Dunham (who I'd never heard of until last week) got a huge advance on her new advice book, I found this:

In an ongoing process to develop an algorithm to approximate the value of the publishing market in different countries, the International Publishers Association produced the above map to visually illustrate the distribution of publishing across the world. They started with the numbers (total sales, number of new titles, etc) and then asked industry professionals to evaluate those findings. The final map came from additional analysis, including things like export statistics and if there's a correlation between a country's population and its publishing market.

Unsurprisingly, the US and Western Europe are largest, since they have not only large populations to buy books but also the majority of publishing houses. I was actually surprised that Southeast Asia has such a large presence - comparable to, if not more than, all of Africa. Also of note, Antartica needs to start a publishing house. :)

More information can be found here.

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